

Japanese Pharmacology & Therapeutics(JPT)

Vol. 52 No. 4 2024


Blazein isolated from Agaricus blazei murrill suppresses IL—6 expression of murine pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma cells

N. Suzuki, et al.

Jpn Pharmacol Ther 2024 52(4)473-80

Safety evaluation study on excessive or long‒term intake of glucosylceramide extracted from potato in healthy subjects
―A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, parallel‒group study―

M. Suto, et al.

Jpn Pharmacol Ther 2024 52(4)483-98

Standardized bilberry extract(SBE)effects for temporal degeneration of ocular accommodation induced by visual display terminal(VDT) stress
―A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, crossover study―

N. Isomura, et al.

Jpn Pharmacol Ther 2024 52(4)499-510

Effects of continuous intake of food containing imidazole dipeptide and black soybean polyphenol on fatigue sensation and working memory

T. Takigami, et al.

Jpn Pharmacol Ther 2024 52(4)511-20