

Japanese Pharmacology & Therapeutics(JPT)

Japanese Pharmacology & Therapeutics(JPT) Article Submission Guidelines

(Revised, April 2024)

〈 Article Types for Publication 〉

The Journal primarily publishes the following types of articles:

  • Original Articles: Articles on non-clinical and clinical trial studies of pharmaceutical products, medical devices, food products, and so forth; systematic review and meta-analysis; and observational study papers on prevention and treatment of diseases.
  • Review Articles: Review articles related to pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and food products.
  • Case Reports and Short Reports.
  • Proceedings of Symposia and Round-Table Discussions.
  • Letters (approximately 500 words and 1 figure/table).

〈 Selection Method for Publication 〉

Manuscripts are reviewed by 3 experts designated by the Editorial Board and are accepted for publication when the editorial committee determines that they are novel, free of ethical problems, and appropriate for publication. The typical review process takes approximately 1 month, and the author(s) will be notified of the results promptly. The manuscript will be published approximately 1 to 2 months after its acceptance.

〈 Publication Fees and Reprints 〉

The costs of publication are the responsibility of the author(s), except for invited articles. The fee is determined by the number of published pages. Two (2) complimentary copies of the Journal and twenty (20) reprints of the article will be provided.

〈 Article Format 〉

  • Language: The manuscript may be written in either English or Japanese. English language abstracts are required for all Original Articles (see below for more information) and are strongly recommended for all other types of manuscripts.
  • Title Page: At the top of the page, please indicate the type of article (Original Article, Review Article, etc. as listed above), then the article title, name(s) of the author(s), and institutional affiliation(s) in both English and Japanese.
  • 〈Items 3-8 below are applicable to only Original Article submissions.〉
  • Abstract: Original Articles must include an abstract in English, and we recommend a structured abstract of 250 words or less. The basic structure is: a) Background/Objectives, b) Methods, c) Results, and d) Conclusions. Also, please include 3-5 key words.
  • Text: As a general rule, please format, as follows: a) Introduction, b) Subjects and Methods (Materials and Methods), c) Results, d) Discussion, e) Conclusion, f) Conflict of Interest (include company/organization names if there is any conflict of interest such as receiving funding for research and study drugs), g) Acknowledgements (if desired), and h) References.
  • The number of figures, tables, and photos in the text, as a general rule, should not exceed eight (8). If more than 8, please use an appendix.
  • Reports on clinical trials must be in compliance with principles such as the WMA Declaration of Helsinki and Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare). In addition, you must clearly mention that the ethics committee has authorized the clinical trial, including the authorization number or the date, and that written informed consent has been obtained for the trial. In case the report is on a trial that was conducted after it was registered, please include the clinical trial registration number, such as the UMIN-ID.
    The following registries are available for registering Japanese clinical trials: UMIN-CTR (http://www.umin.ac.jp/), jRCT (https://jrct.niph.go.jp). For more information on clinical trial registration, please refer to K. Tsutani, et al., trans. WHO Trial Registration Data Set (Version 1.2.1, Version 1.3). Jpn Pharmacol Ther 2017; 45: 1905-10.
  • For reports on clinical trials, please add participating physician(s) and/or researcher(s) to the list of authors.
  • When reporting a randomized controlled trial (RCT), please include a CONSORT checklist to indicate that the trial was conducted in accordance with CONSORT 2010. The checklist is available from JPT ONLINE at https://www.lifescience.co.jp/yk/jpt_online/consort.html. For other study designs, please refer to the EQUATOR network.
  • If patient information is included in the Case Reports, in consideration of patient privacy, please protect his/her personal information. Also, if needed, please obtain written informed consent from the patient for the publication of the reports or from a family member / guardian if the patient is deceased.
  • If animals were used in the study, the authors must clearly indicate that such study was conducted in compliance with guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.
  • igures, Tables, and Photos: They must be numbered in order of initial appearance in the text, e.g., Fig. 1, Table 1, and Photo. 1. If color printing of photographs is desired, please so indicate on your manuscript and designate the print area, e.g., trimming. If a patient’s image is being used, in addition to obtaining written informed consent from the patient or a patient’s family member / guardian if the patient is deceased, you must obscure the image to protect the identity of the patient.
  • Names of Individuals and Drugs: As a general rule, person’s name should be written in the original language, and for drugs, generic name should be used in both the title and the text. The drug’s trade name may be used in the text for clarification.
  • Statement of Conflicts of Interest (COI): If the contents or data of the article have been in conflict of interest with corporation(s) and/or organization(s) for the past 3 years, all authors, including co-authors, must clearly state the name(s) of corporation(s) and/or organization(s) in full.

The circumstances requiring disclosure are as follows.

  • Employee, board member, executive officer, or executive adviser: Y1,000,000 or more per year.
  • Stock or stock option holdings: Annual profit of at least Y1,000,000 or holding of at least 5% of the shares concerned
  • Patent royalties: Annual profit of at least Y1,000,000 or more per year
  • Honorarium, lecture fees, etc.: Y500,000 or more per year
  • Manuscript fees: Y500,000 or more per year
  • Research funds: Y1,000,000 or more per year
  • Scholarship (incentive) donation: Y1,000,000 or more per year
  • Endowed courses: All, regardless of amount
  • Other (gifts, etc.): Y50,000 or more per year

<Examples of Description>
Author's COI Disclosure: No declaration related to the content of this paper.
Author's COI disclosure: Author's name; Lecture fee (Company A, Company B), Manuscript fee (Company A, Company B), Research fund (Company A, Company B), Donation (Company A), Endowed course (Company A, Company B)

〈 References 〉

Cited works should be numbered in order of initial appearance in the text. For the authors, please list first six (6), followed by et al. Please see below for the styles and examples.

Journals: Author(s). Article Title: Subtitle. Journal Title Year of publication; Volume number (Issue number): Page numbers.

Azuma J. Phase I safety study of interferon alfacon-1 in healthy volunteers: pharmacodynamic response. Jpn Pharmacol Ther 1999; 27: 451-60.

Books: Author(s). Article title. In: Name of Editor(s). Book title. Edition (except first edition). Place of publication (not required if in Japan): Publisher; Year of publication. Page numbers.

Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p.465-78.

〈 Mailing Instructions 〉

On your cover letter, please include: 1) type of article (Original Article, Review Articles, etc. as listed above) and 2) contact information (name; address; address for mailing proofs, if different; telephone and fax numbers, etc.).
The cover letter and the manuscript should be sent by postal mail or electronic mail to:

Life Science Publishing Co., Ltd.
Japanese Pharmacology & Therapeutics (JPT)
Attn: Editorial Department
6-8-7 Matsubara Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156-0043
 E-mail :   URL : https://www.lifescience.co.jp

Please note that as a general rule, we do not return submitted materials.

〈 Citing the JPT 〉

The Journal is appointed as a screening journal by EMBASE (Excerpta Medica) and Chemical Abstract Service (CA). When citing the JPT in non-Japanese language publications, please use the approved title abbreviation, Jpn Pharmacol Ther.

〈 Rights 〉

Life Science Publishing Co., Ltd. reserves the right to reproduce, translate, screen, assign, and publicly transmit the articles that are published in the Journal.